Tag Archives: earth


Write about the universe
the earth
Your dreams
Whatever doesn’t seem
Talk about love
Chance encounters
Such as ours
Life, passions
Creations, compassions
Talk about the present, and the past
Who and where it lasts
Your admiration and loathe
What pains, who soothes
Whatever comes, let it flow
river in the sun’s glow

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A long winding way,
to trees so tall
Through their leaves
centuries’ fall
Birds chirping,
Wind wallow
Animals grazing,
Pond is shallow
Hours few!
fog and dew
Mystery mist,
just insists
for green heaven
follow the path
Return this planet
To its birth
Or be ready
for a charred earth

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Alone in a crowd

Feeling absolutely lonely
with hundreds around
Unspeakable conversations
Forgetful sounds
Life could have been better
if lived as a hermit
Jungles, dark deserts
No pretence, no permit
Animals real friends
Trees companions true
Winds carry wishes
Earth protecting you


Traps of glittering sand

Hope trapped in
minuscule crystals
translucent image
of what remains

still and will be seen
for teaching a lesson
for generations to come
I was the mason

created quicksand
someone didn’t land
so soft so beautiful
can’t waste such mastery

a sacrifice made
a price was paid
my sweet darling hope
was trapped instead

forever, infinity
no even divinity
could rescue, such
is the genius of its creation

now I roam the earth
mocking with mirth
cursing the birth
of universe and time

unable to cope
such is the effect
everlasting defect
of losing hope



If life is a race
to the top
you realise

doesn’t really matter
how much you stall
at the end you fall
Gravity pulls hard

all what ultimately
logically, if unwilling then
sometimes tragically
belongs to earth’s bosom

pick a colour
from soul’s prism
as long as it has love
humility and care

take your time, dig deep
for a perfect spot
to lie in loving,
embrace of our mother


Pipework to heaven

scaling inch by inch
slowly, gradually, moving
since I reached the nadir
the only way is up
these helping angel hands
extending beyond their reach
Lord could impeach
them for my mortal sins
kindness sometimes comes
from least unexpected places
soft, smiling, gentle faces
and I am deeply thankful

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Wish you were here

In memory of a loved one
the day you left
whole town wept
last rites don’t apply
as angels just fly
patience, care
Love immense
life after you
made no sense
who will now
calm me down
let me wear
that intellect crown
time has passed
since I have seen
that smile
that laugh
most beautiful heart
ever been
years pass
images degrade
those memories
never fade
heaven will have
a great party tonight
as soul of the world
celebrate in style
we on earth are
missing you
on your birthday
kissing you
in milk honey streams
in mad laughter screams
in every moment dreams


Sky, are you blue, is that true?
Depends, says my good old friend
If you are angry and I agree
I could be red with many dead
Don’t be so mad, making me sad
what happens next
I could be pink, in shame I sink
errors of judgement, I blush and blink
Violet the new colour, becomes this blue
Confused without clue
When you are not around
Nowhere to be found
Unable to hear your sound
I get grey, my clouds in tears
Sapiens destroy sister earth
Scared for her, million fears
I am white, the bright knight
cleaning smog, jealousy, spite
I am dark and black, come soon
Light me up, make me laugh
my funny cousin moon
When the king sun arrives
as court jester in space
I spray colours filling my face
to keep him amused, I hope he stays
That’s the story I could tell today
plenty more still, come another day
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Cries of the first trillionaire of the lost planet

message relayed
you are so late
humanity’s fate
rested in those
irresponsible hands
seas destroyed
barren lands
saving required
immense sacrifice
mere talk
will not suffice
but talk you did
in shadows hid
kept a tight lid
on issues grave
temperature rise
extinction on rise
species adored
shown death door
pennies to save
profits to make
arms are cure
poor must endure
ivory towers safe
rations they have
others good riddance
no admittance
humanity’s fate
of this late
everything died
except you
who flew
to your glass abode
everyone expired
whole planet fried
almighty cries
no one to listen
no one to complain
just a lone insane
and rest of the world
in demised memory laneIMG_2221.JPG
