Tag Archives: images

Beautiful day

Blue skies remind me of your eyes
those sparkling gems of happiness
my soul outrightly lies
Whispering all this will last forever
I smile, at least for a while,
Ignoring the rest, that moment alone
lasts longer than years on its own

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Together, promised
never to part ways
young blood, early days
then life happens

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Is life hard
Or we make it so
Trying to comprehend
a meaning, when there is none
Would be it easier if thoughts went away
replaced with merriment, joy and sun
Would we feel any worse than today
If breathing was the goal
Search is over, no one is pondering
definitions required for our role
Happenings, emotions, truths and lies
Take them what they are
Apologies, felicitations not required
Relations none, near or far
Fulfilment attained with no complications
by walking on the beach or recreation
Would it be life or just existence sole
Does it make any difference,
if humanity had no soul?

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Faces hide multiple layers of truth and falsehoods
Amusement, engagement, estrangement
Downright disassociation with life
yet, laughter, love, life and living
are embedded in our fabric
Ignore hatred, cleanly put your layers
Imperfection scares, even your dearest
Runs away, real ones stay, they don’t mind the pain
of tunnelling emotions

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catch that shark with eyes closed
move that mountain in a finger flick
take your heart in a single click
smooth and slick, all too easy for me 🙂

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