Tag Archives: photogtaphy


Purpose is lost
Hidden traps all ready to devour
Leftovers of shredded passion
Compassion has no warmth
Treason of soul, heart’s mutiny
Tears litany, eyes stole
Fate left, empty goal
Barren surface, dry lips
Waiting, wanting Cyanide sip,
Drip, drip, tears leaving unlit eyes
Blind, deaf and dumb
Can’t say, don’t hear
Life’s hum,
Breathing collapses
in a countdown
Minus zero to one
Darkness won,
Life lapses

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Without hope

Can we cope,
humanity’s panacea,
Soul’s pride,
heart’s ride,
Without, sweet Hope
Darkness will fall
Humanity won’t last
No one will know
how to end or to start,
Days will be long
Misery prolongs
Noons with no light
No end in sight
Falling down, no rope
Can we survive,
without hope
Depression abundantly kills
Sadness grills and grills
Sorrow refuses to leave
No faith, no believe,
Downhill life,
slippery slope
Will we ever arrive,
without hope
No furtherance in science
No trust, no reliance
Humanity without smiles
Just cries and riles
Anguish steadfastly gropes
happiness elopes,
without hope,
There is no hope

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