Tag Archives: peacock

What colour is your thought

Black, White, Yellow, Green
What colour is your thought?
If it doesn’t matter
Now or later

And It is the quality
Which makes it good
Or prove it better
Than why see only skin deep

judge people,
fudge facts
smudge acts
Don’t discriminate

Do not discriminate
It incriminates,
makes you a criminal
An animal

and I thought
we were that
few thousand years ago
Let go, your ego

Proud about your skin
burn it in a racism bin
hearts you need to win
And they are all red

Connected by the same
helix thread
Beating drums
affection led

Warm heart will
souls gather
A rainbow made
of peacock feather

Empathy, honour,
kindness bought
That is my favourite
colour of thought

Extremely handsome

beauty unparalleled
life extraordinary
still, sadness in soul
passions on dole
need a beautiful dream
with strawberries cream
to make you smile
for the next long mile
in life

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