Lost perspective

In hundred thousand beautiful faces
In million fake smiles
Missing one glimmer of hope
My redemption rope
The one who would elope
Just for my few lies
To the end of the earth she flies
Even God she defies
and foolish me, ignoring all
Here alone, in a free fall,
to abyss and beyond20140731-125232-46352471.jpg

86 thoughts on “Lost perspective”

    1. I didn’t 🙂 it was there in a shop window I just captured it and then used my normal processing techniques and voila 🙂 thank you so much CB 🙂


  1. Hello… poem and image meld so well together. Is the image one you have created?

    Thank you stopping by and “liking” some of my poetry… how I’d like it if people left comments like they do on your work. I can only assume my poetry,thoughts, and art do not appeal to people.

    Peace and Blessed Be


    1. Apologies, I would like to do that immensely but time is just not there.

      Yes, all images and words are my humble captures and narrations.

      Many thanks for your visit 🙂


  2. Hi AB, this is a wonderful poem and beautifully worded with a great image, it touches your heart and soul. And thank you too for following my blog. 🙂


  3. Your poem reminds me of the Greek myth in which males and females used to be one, hermaphroditic creature, until we got too powerful and Zeus separated us all with his thunderbolt. Since then, everyone’s been looking for his or her other half. Thank you for liking my blog post, too.


    1. It was my great pleasure. Yes interesting relationship with greek mythology or Eve’s creation also follow a similar tale of coming out of Adam’s rib, our soul mate concept..,then you wonder how it works in polygamist societies (arabs) or wife and mistress bonds (French) 😉


      1. I read pretty much everything to expand my horizons and understand how people express various emotions, so perhaps not like but more certainly read to learn more 😊


      2. Ur welcome…my name is Karolyn Huddleston I’m on Amazon…I write to express my feelings and tell my secrets especially the erotic ones. Maybe I’ll see a book with your name huh 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Brilliant, thank you! I haven’t done anything worth a full book, there is a self publishihg experiment on Ibooks called ‘Zero to Infinity’, perhaps one day you may see a proper book 😄

        Liked by 1 person

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