Colours of the night

Summer day just flew
Evening had no clue
Night arranged a heist
Revellers were the crew
Nothing left untouched
Painted red yellow blue
Parties lit up, lewd
Libations and brew
Dancing feet, loud singing
Vivid colours imbue

20140308-095021 am.jpg

51 thoughts on “Colours of the night”

      1. M R over saturated HDR means you use HDR photography (3 images of the same scene with different contrasts and overlay them on each other) or filters with colour saturation turned to full (remember colour tv saturation…it is similar just in photos). Re why…because than it would be easy for me and I can do HDR and over saturation with each photo and viola 🙂


  1. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    London is a great place to visit but I find that it is to frantic and chaotic during the day. When I was in my late teens occasionally we would go up to London from Portsmouth after a party around midnight – arrive at 2 in the morning and eat in one of the small Chinese restaurants near Leicester Square, leaving when the bin men rattled through the restaurant to collect the waste and no doubt a free portion of sweet ‘n’ sour. This image reminds me of how quiet it was and how we felt we owned the city. Always words and images that work so well together.


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