What now

Abruptly, end of road is here
Smooth sailing, now nowhere
Blank expression, nervous stare
Unsure of origins or life
Calmness, disruptions, strife
Unhappiness, darkness, rife
What now, pray tell, what now
Move on, struggle on, somehow
All that knowledge, knowhow
Hope destroyed, destiny tested
Stay prolonged, departure hasted
Ordinary achievements, life wasted
Really, or just another figment
of unrealistic imagination20140711-063729 am-23849294.jpg

28 thoughts on “What now”

  1. Mid life crisis eh. Very Frost-ian about choices and conflict. I like the build up in the middle with small phrases. Links it all quite fine. And the obtuse ending…. 🙂 very postmodern. Open ended. Braavva(the way an Italian would put it) :p. 👍 stay blessed AB

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Were you 🙂 really 🙂
        I hope your Sunday is well spent with merriment and joy and some reflective thoughts
        to carry you in the wonderland
        where all is possible,
        happiness is touchable,
        beautiful souls have a halo,
        when mind is sad or mellow,
        gloom glue shows as blue,
        people come, hug and kiss
        and whisper that all will be fine,
        just walk on the line
        in heart’s path

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Heart’s path you say
        What if it is not gay
        What if don’t trust it
        All is possible
        Indeed in moments
        Odds stand to rebel
        Hugs and kisses unlikely
        Criticicm on passivity
        Nudges to change what I can’t
        Either my heart of theirs can mend

        Liked by 1 person

      3. the path, start,
        journey, destination
        is clear as destiny,
        just clouded by
        judgemental travails,
        courage, more so, fortitude,
        assists, resists temptation,
        to not touch, feel,
        the joy of being,
        the feeling of be,
        whatever one sees,
        from joyous deserts
        to tears seas,
        is our own making

        Liked by 1 person

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