Actus reus

I am a man who rules this world
Don’t want you to have a say
You are weak, know your place
hide your body, hide your face
You need no education
It is prerogative of the male
I am the master of your destiny
I can buy you, and I can sell
I will command you, I can remand you
there is no justice, heaven or hell
20140327-075749 pm.jpg

86 thoughts on “Actus reus”

  1. Shinning the spotlight on injustice with beautiful words as always. Like that.

    By the way I just tweeted this and it showed up AB recommends you follow somebody else? So is that you or what the hell happened over on twitter.
    I´m a cromagnon with this social media thing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is very sad…and unfortunately it happens in so many places in this world…a simple google search would reveal that to you…


  2. You say so much so concisely and with a beautiful photo. I wish every woman in the world were free to choose whether to live in happy compliance with her husband’s wishes, as I do, or not as she chose. Until that is the case, there will always be a tinge of sadness to it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Freedom is the key, compliance based on choice is a world apart from one thrown in due to deplorable customs and traditions, fake cultural, religious book being tossed at you or in the horrible name of Honour!


  3. W O W! Really AB, Wow. So well said. If you don’t mind me asking, from what worldview are you basing this on? I think I know, but didn’t want to say anything as these types of things can be sensitive subjects. And I totally understand if you don’t want to elaborate.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for re-blog and being able to support it. We need to keep alive the message and I hope it will make a difference.


  4. I wonder what these kind of men would do if the role was reversed? What’s sad is that as Gimbuttas and other scholars suggest women and the Goddesses once did shape a world: but their world was based on partnership and sharing and caring unlike these dominator style hierarchic warrior societies. It’s more obvious in the third-world, but its still the same in the first-world just under other ways and mean… the oligarchs still try to dominate women in corporate worlds and in other ways in which women still do not have equal rights of pay etc. bummer that it is…


    1. Women are generally more mature and intelligent than men, however the society gave them voting rights not long ago, women are still being sold globally in various forms whether you called it human trafficking I’m first world or marriage for money in third world. It is an absolute disgrace.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I *just* finished reading The Wandering Falcon by Jamil Ahmad and where it left off, you poem beautifully took on the thread. An astounding co-incidence after co-incidence from reading the book.

    And the photograph is superb.


    1. Sonya, thank you so much for honouring me with that linkage. My humble words are just to create more awareness about the plight of fellow humans who, if anything, are more intelligent than men and provide much needed compassion and passion in this ruthless planet.


    1. I feel quite strongly about women suppression and minorities oppression and general discrimination on the basis of colour, creed or gender! Hence reflected in this humble effort!

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