
A long winding way,
to trees so tall
Through their leaves
centuries’ fall
Birds chirping,
Wind wallow
Animals grazing,
Pond is shallow
Hours few!
fog and dew
Mystery mist,
just insists
for green heaven
follow the path
Return this planet
To its birth
Or be ready
for a charred earth

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46 thoughts on “Nature”

      1. Oh, AB thanks for asking. Everything is fine, it’s just that life is not always a straight path and is not always green (just the picture made me think…I understand, too deep).


      2. It is good to share, I hope, wish and pray for your path to become easier and understandable for you. Take really care of yourself.


  1. Lovely post! Please check out my first blog! Please follow me and comment ideas for my ‘nature and animal’ based daily fact… animal of the week… all round blog 🙂


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