
Mighty heart beams
Happiness out of seams
A smile telling all
For a bundle so small
girl for a girl, it seems
most joyful being

20140308-012641 pm.jpg

89 thoughts on “Proud”

      1. Grace if you need a spark then throw something at me I will in the message in your inbox 🙂


      1. But in Sydney it was celebrated by a march largely populated by strident and angry women … and while I know they have a lot to be angry about, I also know that putting it out there achieves NOTHING.


      2. I agree, hence my image and poem is about one of most important aspects of humanity, motherhood, which can only be performed by women. That needs to be celebrated.


      1. Wrong post 🙂 my iPad suggested you are commenting on Lazy now it corrected itself and telling me your commented on Proud…yes only one photo twice 🙂 thousand apologies 🙂


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    1. Dear Swami jee, many thanks for appreciating this humble work. re pinging, I suggest you select one of your own post and put the link there, otherwise I will linking my own post 🙂


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