55 thoughts on “Majestic Madrid”

    1. I do indeed have a stunning eye for catching beauty figuratively and literally as well 🙂 kidding, thank you for your wonderful comment AD, good to have you around 🙂


  1. Oh I love the Flamenco! 🙂 Gorgeous shots AB. There is definitely a wish to visit and explore Spain, whenever the kind Universe conspires 🙂


    1. HB me too 🙂 the passion is just absolutely riveting 🙂 I hope one day you do visit Spain and all other places you wish to travel 🙂


  2. The photograph with the garden, what a composition! straight ahead is that building with columns, and the simple but attractive stone pillar in between, the building with spires that catches the eyes, and the funnily trimmed tree/bush. …Next, the Green Waters, and all the rest. Very good. Kudos, AB!


    1. Thank you so much I was using Canon 60D at that point…have upgraded since then, now all latest photos come from a full frame camera 😀


    1. There are more than 10 posts for Paris one of my favourite cities – please go on the main blog site and you will see on the left a pull down menu ‘Choose your destination’ select Paris and then viola 🙂

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