That lost moment of salutations

million miles away
in thoughts random
in tandem with fairies

ignoring who is just
waiting for a solitary moment
salutations, recognition,
heart to heart conversation,

Lately, finally, realising only
standing at the life’s
alighting place lonely

with thousand faces,
indifference traces,
never ending races,

in thoughts abandoned
tandem with fairies
who, what was lost

and when and why!
fate is sly, will never let die
sense of could have been!


24 thoughts on “That lost moment of salutations”

  1. I wanted to take time to say “Thank You” for being such a faithful follower of my Texas’ poetry site over the last year. It is always duly noted that you are always one of the first of my 400 plus followers to post a like. Likewise your work is full of beauty and inspiration. Thank you again for being a part of my WordPress family.

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